Yes. There are three types of survivor benefits payable before retirement if you are
vested, but your spouse is entitled
to only one. They are as follows:
1. Pre-Retirement 50% Spouse’s Benefit
The Pre-Retirement 50% Spouse’s Benefit provides a
lifetime benefit
to your surviving spouse if you die before your pension begins.
- If you are age 60 or older, the benefit is equal to the pension benefit you
would have received if you
had retired the
day before your death.
- If you are younger than age 60, the benefit is determined as if you were age
60 at the time of your
Certain eligibility requirements apply.
2. 60 Certain Guaranty Benefit
The 60 Certain Guaranty is payable if, at the time of your death, you are vested, at
least age 60, and:
- Not married; or
- Married for less than one year
If you are age 60 and you die before you actually retire, your beneficiary will receive a
monthly benefit payable for a total of
60 payments guaranteed.
This benefit is equal to the amount of the pension for which you were qualified.
3. Death Benefit Pension Benefit
If you die before you reach age 60, a death benefit pension will be payable to
your spouse who is not eligible for the
Pre-Retirement 50% Spouse’s Benefit if you have either:
- 10 Years of Pension Credit; and
- Earned at least ¼ Year of Pension Credit in the calendar year in which you die or the immediately preceding calendar year.
The amount of the Death Benefit Pension is equal to your pension credit multiplied by
$345.00. This amount is divided by 60 and is paid to your beneficiary in
60 equal monthly payments guaranteed.