If you become totally and permanently disabled while you are eligible for the life insurance benefit and before you reach age 60, you may apply for a waiver of premium. If approved, the Health Fund will continue your life insurance benefit by paying the required premium as long as you remain disabled and the group policy remains in force. You and your doctor must first file proof of total and permanent disability with the Fund Office within three (3) months after loss of eligibility. The Health Benefits Department will work with you to complete the application.
If approved by ULLICO, continued proof of disability will be required on a regular schedule, but not less than once a year. Life insurance on waiver of premium will be discontinued in the event that annual proof of disability is not provided, or if ULLICO finds that the disability no longer qualifies as total and permanent. In either event, the group policy is discontinued, your life insurance benefit will terminate.
Applying or qualifying for a disability benefit with the Pension Fund does not constitute application for this Disability Death Benefit extension.
Contact the Health Benefits Department at 312-787-9455, phone option 3, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CT) to report a death and request an application.