Plan's Legal Name |
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council Pension Fund |
Plan's Employer Identification Number; Plan Number |
36-6130207; Plan Number 001 |
Most recently available Certified PPA Zone Status |
Plan Year beginning July 1, 2021, the Fund was certified to be neither critical nor endangered ("Green Zone"). The Fund has not utilized any extended amortization provisions that affect the calculation of this zone. |
Funding Improvement Plan or Rehabilitation Plan Status Pending/Implemented |
Disclosed in the Annual Funding Notice (issued annually in the fall) |
Employer's with Contributions Exceeding 5% of Plan's Total Contribution |
Disclosed in the Summary Plan Information Report - ERISA § 104(d) notice (issued annually in the spring) |
Employer Contributions
Surcharge Imposed
Employer Records |
Expiration Date(s) of Collective Bargaining Agreement(s) |
Employer Records |